Health and wellness

Hundreds of schools join the list of America’s healthiest in 2023

These 780 schools stand out for enabling students to get regular exercise, building tighter connections with their communities and expanding social-emotional learning.

Restorative justice: Why it may be the best response as behavior worsens

Restorative justice reduced arrests by 19% and out-of-school suspensions dropped by nearly as much in Chicago Public Schools that have adopted less punitive discipline.

These are the top 10 topics school boards are discussing right now

This may come as news to some superintendents and district leaders: Book bans and pride flags are not the main topics of discussion at every school board meeting in the country. Still, school boards are grappling with some complicated topics.

Masks are back at some schools. How bad will COVID politics get?

A Maryland elementary school's mask mandate for a single class is setting off alarm bells—but not so much about the spread of infection.

Neither administrators or teachers are doing well: It’s time we support each other

What if boosting student achievement has more to do with teachers bringing their best selves to school rather than what they do in the classroom?

Here are the 3 big impacts political polarization is having in the classroom

Political polarization has made their job "intolerable," teachers say in a new survey. Here's how teachers says administrators, parents and colleagues can solve the problem.

How 5 superintendents cope with the stress of a job they cherish

"I actually use my vacation time now," Superintendent Diane Kelly confides. "I make sure I’m present for the milestone events in the lives of my family and friends—things I used to miss for evening meetings in the district."

10 school choice concerns families have as the new year gets underway

The number of Americans who say K12 education is "heading in the right direction" has declined sharply, according to the latest Schooling in America survey by a leading school choice advocacy group. 

Social media is undermining education, says the AFT. What needs to change?

This new report serves as a reality check to social media companies that need to make "fundamental changes" to their platforms so that students' and educators' lives may be improved as a result.

The latest K12 shortage conundrum: healthcare professionals

From student mental health to academics, the issue took a toll far greater than administrators could have anticipated. But one thing remains certain: filling staff vacancies is more difficult than ever.

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