Instructional technology

Superintendent shares: Why embracing AI is about more than flashy, new edtech

Incorporating AI into our classrooms is not merely about keeping pace with emerging trends; it is about equipping our students with the skills and competencies necessary to thrive in the digital age. We aim to foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.

Why advancing edtech should take up a lot of room in every teacher’s toolkit

Edtech’s biggest value proposition? It enables teachers to adapt their approaches to instruction, practice and assessment to meet the dynamically changing needs of each student at different places along their learning journey.

Exciting new edtech? Don’t forget the load on teachers, support staff and IT

New education technology has literal and hidden costs, and those hidden costs should drive some changes in the way schools adopt more powerful edtech.

Why district leaders are key to teachers’ success with edtech

We have invested in edtech, but we have invested considerably less in supporting teachers to use those tools effectively as part of their instructional practice.

This school district empowers parents by giving them direct access to IT

Chris Saxon, IT director at the Cherokee County School District in Georgia, and his team created an IT "call center" for families dedicated for providing troubleshooting assistance for their child's devices and other issues. "For our folks in IT, it's easy to see how they're being helpful when they're in their classroom fixing their panel, printer or laptop," he says. "But they don't understand that when things are going wrong, a lot of folks are working behind the scenes to make it right."

3 ways AI can impact educational outcomes positively and ethically

Cheating aside, let’s employ AI in ethical ways and enable our schools to spend more time on experiential learning, career exploration, skills development and other meaningful activities.

4 ways this district is fostering student success with small group instruction

Regardless of whether students are behind grade level or excelling, the synergy between small-group instruction and technology has the power to enhance engagement and complement teachers’ pedagogy.

How edtech allows teachers to leave one-size-fits-all education behind

Now is the time to start utilizing the vast technologies available at our fingertips (pun intended) because each student is diverse, unique and learns differently than their peers.

Cellphone regulation is both an administrative and a tech issue. Here’s why

"The digital revolution holds immeasurable potential, but, just as warnings have been voiced for how it should be regulated in society, similar attention must be paid to the way it is used in education," UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay said in a statement.

AI and education: Are there more risks or more rewards for K12?

AI can greatly help educators—be they in the classroom or central office—to engage students on a more personalized level, ensure equal access to quality learning resources and ease the workload

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