Social media

6 keys to successful school communication and engagement in the digital age

District leaders are paying more attention to branding and marketing, particularly as schools face new competition for students and teachers.

How to make social media a force for good for girls in your schools

While kids probably aren't going to suddenly stop using social media, educators and other adults can work to turn the often-vilified online platforms into a more positive influence in the emotional lives of students.

Superintendents’ love-hate relationship with social media: How to navigate it

“If you’re not utilizing social media to communicate to your parents or your audience, then you’re missing the boat in 2023,” says one superintendent, asserting that the rewards of doing so far outweigh the problems.

How this superintendent uses social media to establish credibility

“The idea that people need to keep in mind is when people don’t know what you do as a superintendent, they make up what you do as a superintendent,” says Dr. Joe Sanfelippo, superintendent of the Fall Creek School District in Wisconsin.

3 things students want you to know about their technology use

Cell phones may be seen as a distraction in the classroom, but for students it's a form of connection that could help with learning engagement, according to a recent study from The Social Institute.

Mental health crisis: Why Seattle schools are suing 4 social media giants

They are demanding action from TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook—the social media giants they see as key culprits in the rampant mental health crisis affecting today's youth.

Student privacy: Are photos in school Facebook posts putting it at risk?

While many schools may be posting photos to Facebook to connect with their communities and display student achievements and other uplifting news, the analysis also pointed to some unsettling, if unintended, consequences.

Social media in school: Why it doesn’t have to be a nuisance

Instead of trying to shield students from social media in schools, district leaders should leverage the technology to drive engagement in STEAM, educators say.

Here are 1 million ways teachers are having serious fun on TikTok

TikTok teachers are showing off their video production skills as they connect with students and exchange ideas with colleagues.

Online threats are closing schools every day. So how do we stop them?

The threats are hitting K-12 networks every day and are now the main culprit in closures after several years of COVID shutdowns.

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