District Administration

Parent Relationships and Positive Communications: How to Build Trust and Boost Involvement

Date & Time: Tuesday, August 15 at 2 pm ET

In this 20-minute DA Ed Talk, experts in school communications will outline some practical strategies to create a proactive communications plan that builds ongoing trust with parents.

Ensuring Student Growth Plans Are Measurable, Sustainable, and Successful

Date & Time: Thursday, August 10 at 2 pm ET

In this 30-minute DA Ed Talk, learn some strategies for evaluating the strength and sustainability of student growth plans at the classroom, school, and district levels.

Best of EdTech: Back to School Tools

Date & Time: Wednesday, August 9 at 2 pm ET

In this FETC webinar, a panel of edtech experts will profile the most innovative tools and solutions to help any educator create more engaging and interactive learning environments this fall.

Meeting Kids Where They Are: Tips for Ensuring All Students Thrive Together

Date & Time: Tuesday, July 25 at 2 pm ET

Join us for a 30-minute Ed Talk to explore how we can reconfigure our old systems, practices, and paradigms to strengthen our commitment to meeting ALL students where they are, placing each student at the center of the learning process.

Meeting Special Education Needs with Limited Resources

Date & Time: Tuesday, June 27 at 2 pm ET

Special education is one of the areas that is most severely impacted by nationwide teacher shortages today, resulting in many districts and schools struggling to maintain compliance with federal, state and local laws and requirements for educating students with disabilities.

Self-Directed Learning: Practical Ideas to Empower Students

Date & Time: Thursday, June 15 at 2 pm ET

In this 20-minute DA Ed Talk, the Assistant Superintendent of Teaching, Learning and Leading in the Manchester (N.H.) School District will discuss some practical ideas and strategies her district has used to cultivate student independence and better prepare them for the future.

How AI Will Transform K-12 IT Infrastructure

Date & Time: Thursday, June 8 at 2 pm ET

In this 20-minute DA Ed Talk, learn how new enhancements to wi-fi networks can better support digital teaching, learning and collaboration, how cloud-based analytics and AI will transform IT infrastructure in K-12, and the essential capabilities and features needed to ensure your network is ready to meet the demands of the future.

New Approaches to Address Teacher Shortages

Date & Time: Wednesday, June 7 at 2 pm ET

Some 45% of public schools reported at least one teaching vacancy in 2022, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, and this trend is only forecast to continue. To address these widespread teacher shortages, many district leaders are using new ways to find high-quality, certified teachers to provide engaging and effective instruction.

FETC Virtual Roundtable: How AI Will Transform K-12 Education

Date & Time: Wednesday, June 14 at 2 pm ET

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most significant innovations in ed tech. From personalized learning to intelligent tutoring systems, AI is transforming how we learn, teach, and work, and presents an unprecedented opportunity to drive education innovation in new ways.

Creating a Portrait of a Graduate: New Measures of College, Career, and Life Readiness

Thursday, April 20 at 2 pm ET

Attend this webinar to learn more about a new metric to determine if students are adequately prepared for college, career, and life, and some strategies for creating a more student-centered, holistic model of academic and career success.  

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