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Will K12 districts even notice if the government shuts down?

“A shutdown is ineffective and costly, the consequences of which play out on Main Street, not Capitol Hill, as workers go without pay, families go without childcare, poor families lose support for housing and food, and schools feel the squeeze," says David R. Schuler, executive director of AASA, The School Superintendents Association.

Why digital wallets are the future of K12 purchasing and reimbursements

Digital wallets enable K-12 CFOs to control spending, maximize resource allocation and empower educators.

Teachers want a $17,000 raise to keep pace with working professionals

Two-thirds of teachers feel their base salary is inadequate, compared to 39% of U.S. working adults who say the same. A $17,000 raise would cover the pay gap between teachers and similarly college-educated professionals, RAND found.

Do you know where students have the shortest school day?

Students in other states may not have as long a school day as yours do. On the other hand, they may be getting even more instructional time, according to a new analysis.

How enrollment rates are fluctuating in all 50 states

Some 350,000 new students mean that K12 enrollment rates are recovering, but they still remain below pre-pandemic levels—2.09% lower, to be precise.

Student-teacher ratios: How the gaps are growing in all 50 states

There are few superintendents who aren't losing sleep over staffing their classrooms with enough teachers, and now there's a clearer picture of how the shortages are adding even more pressure to the teachers who are still working.

Districts in two more states are closing as Hurricane Idalia menaces Florida

Dozens of Florida school districts have already closed as Hurricane Idalia strengthens into a major storm, and now systems in Georgia and South Carolina are shutting down.

Getting ahead of it: How district leaders are planning to avoid a potential fiscal cliff

Pandemic relief funds have been a game changer for districts desperate for the resources necessary to continue high-quality instruction amid teacher shortages and other issues. But leaders' spending habits will change once these funds run dry, a new survey suggests.

Several districts shut down as powerful storm Idalia threatens Florida

Districts in Hernando and Citrus counties are among the first to cancel classes in what will likely become a cascade of closures over the next 24 hours if the forecasts hold.

How to know if your district is at risk of the looming fiscal cliff

"Time is running out," reads a new report from The Education Trust. Districts have millions of ESSER dollars left to spend. Some have managed these funds poorly. Here's how to ensure you're prepared once these resources are eliminated.

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