Legislation/legal affairs

Backlash against restorative discipline is growing as behavior breaks down

Leaders in district after district, sometimes with prodding from state legislators, are now rolling back more lenient restorative discipline policies and relying again on suspensions and other measures to address disruptive behavior. 

Your students’ parents may have conflicting views on K12 LGBTQ policies

When it comes to K12 LGBTQ policies in schools, parents and other adults prefer classroom discussions about the LGBTQ community to using students' preferred pronouns.

Coalition of principals to Congress: ‘Here’s how to help prevent school shootings’

The Principal Recovery Network of building leaders who have experienced school shootings is pressing for several billion dollars worth of mental health and safety support for staff and students.

Do school districts stand a chance suing social media giants?

More and more school districts are joining the legal battle against social media companies to protect students' mental health. But this expert says he's not very optimistic.

Removal of 8 books may have created fear and harassment in Georgia district, feds say

Library book challenges in Forsyth County Schools may have created a "hostile environment for students," Department of Education investigators said in the agency's first foray into the recent wave of book bans buffeting K12.

Parents—and authors—sue district for banning LGBTQ-themed books

The Escambia County School District's book bans are being called "unconstitutional" in a federal lawsuit filed by a leading free speech organization and the country's largest publishing firm.

Is former Dallas superintendent on the way to leading Houston ISD takeover?

Mike Miles, the leader of Dallas ISD from 2012-2015, may be waiting in the wings to become superintendent in Texas' takeover of Houston ISD, the latter city's mayor claims.

Stricter discipline may be returning to schools after abandonment of zero tolerance

Research has found that stricter discipline policies disproportionately harm students of color but a rise in violence and other behavioral problems is fueling a return to move punitive punishments.

LGBTQ youth describe a world where they are accepted. How schools can get there

A new survey by The Trevor Project shows the current political climate is taking a toll on the mental health and well-being of LGBTQ youth, the majority of whom report being verbally harassed at school.

Ex-Broward schools superintendent is cleared of perjury charge from post-Parkland probe

Robert Runcie, who both resigned and was arrested on the perjury charge in 2021, was accused of lying to a grand jury investigating school safety and his management of a $1 billion bond measure.

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