Career & Technical

What will drive more urgency around career prep in 2024?

Pressures on the wider U.S. workforce caused by a lack of workers with the requisite skills will drive more collaboration between K12 schools and employers.

6 key moves for leaders who want to accelerate career pathways

If you've built a career pathways program, you know it's a complex undertaking that requires outreach and collaboration with local business and organizations. If you're only in the preliminary phase, the good news is those who have developed successful initiatives have plenty of lessons to share.

7 quick tips: Helping the class of 2023 find alternatives to college

More than half of the graduating class of 2023 is opting out of the traditional four-year college education, according to a survey released Tuesday. While these numbers are no cause for alarm, leaders should be concerned that nearly one-third of the graduates were not aware of the career and technical education programs that would have given them alternative paths.

How Township High School District 214 is embedding entrepreneurship

It’s true what they say: a traditional four-year college education isn’t for everyone. But virtually every kid who walks the hallways of Township High School District 214’s six schools will get a job at some point in their lives.

Which edtech product is already changing learning for the better? 5 districts weigh in

These five leaders shared with District Administration their most valuable edtech tools and why they work so well for their students and staff. To no surprise, it all comes down to effectives and ease of access.

Why AI education will soon become an integral part of K12 education

School districts, colleges and universities across the country have entered a partnership to promote and expand AI education for all students, an area that's "exploded" since the emergence of tools like ChatGPT.

Does your school need an app? Have your students create one

Districts around the world are utilizing the program to have students create a working app—no coding experience necessary—for everything from lunch schedules to newsletters, which schools can utilize in their day-to-day operations.

Why preparing students for a career in cybersecurity is a wise choice

A recent survey indicates that the profession is significantly less likely to receive job cuts during economic uncertainty compared to other industries.

Question of the week with ChatGPT: How to promote college and career readiness

The one-size-fits-all approach to success after high school is long gone. Learn from ChatGPT about how you can ensure students have access to the opportunities around them.

Are your school counselors being pushed beyond their job descriptions?

School counselors are frequently performing tasks such as building student schedules, maintaining student files and coordinating 504 plans, according to a new survey of K12 administrators.

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