Business, finance, policy, compliance, operations

School nutrition: Why some worry it’s at a “perilous juncture”

A range of financial, logistical and regulatory challenges have the potential to disrupt school meal service as pandemic relief funding expires and stricter standards arrive, advocates say. 

See which districts will share $1 billion in new clean school bus funding

Thousands of new clean, green and electric buses will soon be carrying kids to school thanks to a $1 billion boost in funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Robotics and hate prevention: 8 unique grants to chase (if you live in these states)

If you're not teaching and learning in one of the locations detailed here, know that your state may have similar funding programs in specialized categories.

School-within-a-school uses PBL to help students make a big move

Orchard View Middle School's project-driven, small group learning experiment aims to make students' transitions from elementary to middle school more seamless and academically engaging.

Latest school closures force leaders everywhere to make tough choices

Buildings are being shut down as district leaders and communities grapple with declining enrollment, aging buildings, the end of ESSER and other fiscal pressures.

Tech predictions: AI dominates and the spending spree winds down

K12 leaders will zero in on the hardware and software that moves the needle on achievement and other priorities while artificial intelligence sucks up most of the edtech oxygen.

Not all state education funding is easy to track down. Help is here

Targeted grants and other special sources of state education funding don't typically fall right into administrators' laps—or, perhaps we should say, their annual spending plans.

8 promising solutions to the outsize impacts of student discipline

Black boys and girls and students with disabilities continue to be suspended and expelled at rates that remain higher than their shares of total K12 enrollment, the latest data shows.

New elementary and middle school rankings take a deeper look at test scores

New rankings of the nation's best elementary and middle schools consider demographics and other factors within individual states.

ESSER drop: New calculations aim to measure the fiscal cliff

Superintendents may need to add the phrase "ESSER exposure" to their list of things not to look forward to as the COVID relief expiration date approaches.

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