Instructional technology

New proposal offers federal funding for AI literacy in schools

'Artificial Intelligence Literacy Act' would improve the nation's AI skills by providing funding for K12 professional development and new computer science classes. 

Educators must now emphasize the humans in the ChatGPT loop

“Wait and see” isn’t an adequate response to the forces being unleashed but there’s a pathway to progress that schools should explore.

AI in schools: Learning to love this transformative technology

Considered by some to be "a demon unleashed" while other consider it "a panacea for education’s myriad challenges," AI's impact on schools is only going to grow as learning platforms become more adaptive, teachers work to further personalize instruction and leaders seek more administrative efficiencies in running their districts.

Education in 2024: Partners break down 8 big trends

Collaboration will grow between K12 and the business community as academic growth is carefully assessed as AI drives the edtech evolution.

Teaching with AI: Excited about games, worried about isolation

For all the angst swirling around AI and education, only about one in five teachers says teaching with the technology has impacted learning negatively, a new survey finds.

Here are 5 priorities for choosing digital learning resources

A sometimes-overlooked part of the CIO’s role is providing input and guidance during the selection of the digital curricular resources that students and teachers are using every day.

Tech predictions: AI dominates and the spending spree winds down

K12 leaders will zero in on the hardware and software that moves the needle on achievement and other priorities while artificial intelligence sucks up most of the edtech oxygen.

Why schools need to build AR and VR learning spaces now

By building educational spaces dedicated to AR and VR learning, schools can offer a higher quality, more adaptable education that better prepares students of all learning styles for successful careers in an ever-changing world.

The 3 important partnerships that help this superintendent make a difference

K12 partnerships at the Greenfield Union School District are driving esports, robotics, innovation and leadership, says Superintendent Zandra Jo Galván. "I'm excited about the future for kids," she exclaims.

4 ways to emphasize AI and ethics in schools

Instead of blocking AI generators and purchasing AI detectors, start with a few simple strategies to promote the ethical use of AI.

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