Alcino Donadel

Alcino Donadel is a DA staff writer and Florida Gator alumnus. A graduate in journalism and communications, his beats have ranged from Gainesville's city development, music scene, and regional little league sports divisions. He has triple citizenship from the U.S., Ecuador, and Brazil.

ACT: Nearly half of high school students using AI tools, on class assignments

Studying over 4,000 students in grades 10 to 12 this past summer, ACT discovered that 46% have used different AI tools. Of this cohort, nearly half (46%) have used it for school assignments.

What you missed at DALI Naples: Awarding this year’s outstanding superintendents

At the final DALI Summit this year in Naples Grande Beach Resort, superintendents seamlessly shifted gears between commiserating with fellow district leaders and getting down to business to identify, diagnose and provide solutions to some of their most top-of-mind issues.

Institutions are blending K12 and higher ed to improve student equity. Here’s how

With affirmative action ending, closing the gap between K12 and higher education might be as important as between students of different races and economic backgrounds.

ACT scores are at a 30-year low. How does this impact K12?

The graduating class of 2023 has continued a six-year decline in ACT scores, according to new data released by the testing giant.

4 ways to ensure underresourced students excel in dual enrollment outcomes

The Community College Research Center at Columbia University Teachers College has developed a new framework urging colleges and K12 districts to work together to ensure students take dual enrollment courses with vision, preparation and an eye toward postsecondary success.

3 campus safety measures schools can use to tighten security

Institutions are displaying a revamped focus to strengthen student safety measures, many of which are bolstered by emerging technologies.

House and Senate education budgets differ wildly, reflecting party lines

The House targeted organizations it found to "undermine the unity of our country," proposing to reduce the Office for Civil Rights budget by 25%.

Is student monitoring software the best solution for child safety?

With a shortage of school counselors and incidents of self-harm and violence toward others surging this past year, districts are turning toward online monitoring services that can help administrators stay ahead of the curve.

A futurist’s perspective on generative AI in the classroom

While many school districts fear the onset of generative AI in classrooms, business guru and former educator Daniel Burrus says, "Thank God."

K12 gender gap: Girls are less prepared than boys to start college, report shows

"Gender stereotypes play a strong role in both educational and career awareness and preparedness," states YouScience's Student Ability report. "Our analysis shows that biases still exist and need to be addressed in order to turn the corner on the exposure and skills gap challenges."

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